Business and Property Search of Australia
List your business or property for Australia's best business search of Australian businesses and properties for sale. Our services is a professional low-cost way to sell your business or property. Nationally we will from time to time advertise in the classifieds of local newspapers. Together with registration with all the major search engines, this means more prospective buyers will see your business or property.
Each new listing generates an automatic submission of the listing details to each of INBIB's 300 plus offices. We do not lose sight of the local and interstate market and we consistently market our service through Business for Sale catalogues, newspapers, radio and of course the Internet with our high rankings. For the most part we introduce a "cashed up" or asset qualified buyer because of our association with Internation Business and Introduction Brokers (INBIB).
Enquiries can be handled by an appointed broker, your accountant, solicitor or yourself. You will discover your business or property being targeted in Australia and across the globe.
Remember you can nominate who deals for you. Handle the sale yourself or if you are already with a broker instruct him to include your business or property on our database.
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